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Mastering Project Success: The Art of Crafting a Powerful Project Blue Print

A Brief in to Project Canvas

The project canvas is a concise document that provides a high-level overview of a project. It’s a valuable tool for project managers to communicate key elements and ensure a shared understanding among team members and stakeholders, especially it is very effective in KoM with customers. Please find the sample Project Canvas attached here, it is developed for project Initiation phase. 

Here are some essential details to include in a project Canvas:

  1. Project Tittle : Clearly state the name of the project
  1. Project Objectives: Define the goals and objectives of the project. What are you trying to achieve? 
  1. Key Deliverables: List the main outcomes or deliverables that the project will produce.
  2. Timeline: Provide a high-level timeline or schedule for the project, including key milestones or phases.
  3. Project Team : Identify key team members and their roles. This could include project manager, team leads, and other critical roles. 
  4. Stakeholders : List the main stakeholders involved in the project. This could be internal and external parties with an interest in the project’s outcome.
  5. Risks and Assumptions: Highlight potential risks and assumptions associated with the project. This helps in proactive risk management. 
  6. Key Commercial Factors : List out the key commercial points applicable for the order. 
  7. Payment Milestone: This section covers the Milestone payment agreement as per the order. 
  8. Acceptance Criteria : Clearly define what success looks like for the project. What are the criteria that will determine if the project is a success?
  9. Safety Requirements: In this section we can define the main safety requirements for the order. 
  10. Change Management: Briefly describe how changes to the project scope or plan will be managed. 
  11. Dependencies:  Identify any dependencies the project has on external factors, resources, or other projects.
  12. Communication Plan: Briefly outline how communication will be managed throughout the project, including regular updates, meetings, and reporting. 

Remember, the goal of the project canvas is to provide a quick and comprehensive overview. Keep the information concise and focused on the most critical aspects of the project. We can also prepare the project Canvas to report the Project Key Matrics like Earned Value, Planned Value, CPI, ETC and so on.. Adjust the level of detail based on the specific needs of your team and stakeholders. 

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